It’s rare that you have the opportunity to make a real difference in a way that will decide the future of not just your day to day life but your entire community. We here in West Hollywood have that chance this November, to vote for a different path than the one we’ve been on for the last few years. That chance comes to us in the form of George Nickle, who is running for one of the two City Council seats in the upcoming election.
Some of you who follow me will know that I ran for WeHo City Council myself twice- once in 2015, and again in 2019. I didn’t win, but I’ve stayed engaged on the big issues that affect our residents. After all, I love this city and it has played a huge role in my family history. My mother got her start as a musician at the rock clubs right up on the Sunset Strip; I came of age as a gay man at the LGBTQ+ establishments on Santa Monica Boulevard. My father’s family has been in and around West Hollywood for almost 80 years. This city is truly a big part of who I am, and I care about it deeply.
Almost every day of the week, I go on long walks around our city to see how things are going- and from all appearances, things seem to be going in a very, very negative direction.
Whether on homelessness, which seems to be growing at an exponential rate- or the horrifying daily stories we see in the news of crimes, including assaults and burglaries, happening all over West Hollywood, the state of our city is extremely dire. And let’s not forget the constant closing of small businesses, many of which have been the very institutions that make up the lifeblood of our unique culture.
I lay responsibility for these failures squarely at the feet of 3 of the current members of the City Council- Sepi Shyne, Chelsea Byers and John Erickson. They have voted in lockstep on many of the policies that have resulted in the current mess we are in. I could go and on about many of their mistakes, but suffice it to say that they are three of the worst elected officials I’ve ever seen. Their total disregard and cavalier attitude in response to the criticism they have received from many residents, as well as disingenuous posturing and shameless self-promotion have rendered them disqualified in my eyes from serving on the City Council.
Shyne’s reputation is in such tatters that she has decided not to run for re-election. Chelsea isn’t up for re-election until 2026. Erickson, on the other hand, is up for re-election this time around, but is likely to win due to support from the political establishment and from super powerful and well-funded special interest groups.
The truth is though that Erickson can be rendered irrelevant as long as we win the second seat that is up this cycle. If we do, we will have a common sense majority on the City Council, and we the citizens can take back control and start to right the course on many of the severe challenges we face as a community. I can’t think of a better person to lead us in that effort than George Nickle.
George is currently a Public Safety Commissioner and has been endorsed by current Councilmembers Lauren Meister and John Heilman, as well as the L.A. County Sheriff Robert Luna. He’s a progressive Democrat who still believes that proper fiscal management and sound governance should be top priorities, that law enforcement should be adequately funded and supported, and that it’s inhumane to allow the worsening homelessness crisis to continue as it has been. He’s not running to advance up the political ladder; he got involved in city politics as a concerned resident who saw what was happening and decided he needed to get involved and do something about it.
Nickle’s primary opponent for the second seat, Danny Hang, who is supported by Erickson as well as many of the same entrenched forces of the status quo, has said on the record that he doesn’t feel unsafe walking around the streets of West Hollywood, as if what people have experienced and seen with their own eyes is a fantasy. Danny, tell that to the valet that was brutally beaten recently in front of Barneys Beanery, or the patrons of La Boheme that have been robbed at gunpoint. Hang’s statement is gas lighting of the highest order; we need a Councilmember who will tell the truth and face head on the reality of things. Nickle will be that Councilmember.
I really mean it when I say that this is without a doubt the most important election in West Hollywood history. Local politics may not always be flashy or seemingly important, but I cannot underscore for those of you who are fellow West Hollywood voters how critical it is that we elect George Nickle to the City Council. The quality of our daily lives is on the line, and the makeup of what West Hollywood will look like for generations to come. I hope you’ll vote for him by sending in your mail in ballot, or voting for him in person at the ballot box on November 5th.
Please share this article with your friends and family in the city. Let’s get the word out and make history in this election. Let’s take back our city and elect a local government that is transparent, selfless and accountable to the people.
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